Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day Foury Nine thru Fifty One...

I feel like I have lived a million days in the last two.

Nothing worse than the feeling of helplessness when one of your kids is sick.
Grace started feeling not good early Monday and went down hill quickly. After spending almost 12 hours of throwing up until there was absolutely nothing left in her poor little body I decided enough was enough and drove her at 3am to urgent care. There she received a shot in her backside ( poor bubs has a nasty black bruise that is still hurting her today ) to stop the vomiting, some antibiotics and the warning to watch for appendicitis.
We came home but around 10am after taking a tiny bit of food and her meds, started throwing up again.
So off to the hospital we go.
In my mind I was praying please don't be the appendix. I didn't want her to have to go through that.
After an ultra sound, some blood and urine work and a cat scan, they found an infection in her bladder. She was given antibiotics and fluids through an IV and after about 7 hours we were allowed to come home.

I'm relived there is nothing major wrong with her and that a couple days on the couch watching TV and some meds will get her back to new. I'm grateful that it wasn't appendicitis.
 I know that what happened is nothing compared to what some parents are going through, or what have gone through with sick kids - and kids that wont be coming home like Anthony, the little boy who recently passed away after a freak accident.
But it does make me stop and think about how fragile life can be - and to be grateful for each passing day, to embrace each moment and not sweat the small stuff. To hug my kids more, to take more time, to have more patience. to be grateful for what we have right now.

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